Book 3: The Miracles of Midwife Sutton

Book 3: The Miracles of Midwife Sutton


Book 3

SKU: 75-1 Category:


In the events that followed Julianne Taylor in Ring of Lazarus, Sarah Sutton, the Midwife of Donbridge, faces a great evil from her past. The plagues foretold by the Witch of Tamarack Hill have begun. Drought, illness and unwelcome creatures have overwhelmed the town. Many bleak moments have placed families in peril, but the courageous Midwife, armed with her knowledge and steadfast will, intends to rid this evil from Donbridge for good. During her quest, she is faced with two foes of wicked power which many have believed to be mere fables. Nevertheless, Sarah draws strength from her past and stands at the ready for what is to come.


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